Rights4Vapers believes that Canadians who smoke have the right to access reduced harm nicotine products.
It could be vapour products, nicotine pouches, sprays or gum. If it helps Canadians who smoke quit smoking, then it is a good thing. Safer Nicotine products should be available everywhere, that includes Vapes Shops and Convenience stores.
The Minister of Health has decided to make it more difficult for Canadians who smoke to buy legal nicotine pouches. These pouches are now only available in pharmacies – the illegal pouches are still available everywhere…
We think this is a disgraceful abuse of power. Clearly the Minister of Health is not interested in the health of Canadians who smoke.
Rights4Vapers will be talking more about safer nicotine products and advocating for the their accessibility moving forward. We will continue to celebrate everyone’s journey to being smoke free.
We hope you follow along.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts with Minister Holland, Minister Saks and your MP about how important flavours are to you. You are not alone, there have been 37 000 Canadians who vape and support vaping that have used this platform to get the message across that Flavours Matter! We at Rights 4 Vapes will continue to build platforms to have your voices heard!
Merci d’avoir partagé vos pensées avec le ministre Holland, la ministre Saks et votre député au sujet de l’importance des saveurs pour vous. Vous n’êtes pas seul, il y a eu 37,000 Canadiens vapoteurs qui soutiennent le vapotage et qui ont utilisé cette plateforme pour faire passer le message que les saveurs comptent ! Chez Rights 4 Vapes, nous continuerons à développer des plateformes pour que vos voix soient entendues !