Press & Resources


OP-ED COP9 AND VAPERS BY: MARIA PAPAIOANNOY, RIGHTS4VAPERS NOVEMBER 9, 2021 This week marks the start of the Ninth Session of the Conference of the Parties to the World Health Organization’s Framework Convention on Tobacco Control – or COP9. It’s a mouthful and most people have no idea that it is happening. However, Canadian vapers

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Tobacco Harm Reduction

Tobacco Harm Reduction, a Human Rights Issue

By Paul Beauregard. With the proposed ban on most flavors that the Vaping industry uses in the production of Nicotine E-Liquid and the different levels of Nicotine used to help Smokers switch and quit and to keep current Vapers from relapsing, has Tobacco Harm Reduction and Vaping become a Human Rights issue here in Canada? 

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Legal Rights

R4V SUBMISSION: Vaping Taxation Consultation Canada 2021

SUBMISSION TO FINANCE CANADA PROPOSED NEW TAXATION FRAMEWORK FOR VAPOUR PRODUCTS Finance CanadaEmail: SUBMITTED BY RIGHTS4VAPERS JUNE 29, 2021 INTRODUCTION In its 2021 Budget the Government of Canada proposed a new framework for taxing vaping products. “The proposed framework would impose a single flat rate duty on every 10 millilitres (ml) of vaping liquid

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Signed Petition - FR

15 000 Canadiens ont signé la pétition pour sauver les arômes!

LA PÉTITION EST MAINTENANT FERMÉE! Rights4Vapers, la principale organisation canadienne de défense des droits des vapoteurs, est ravie d’annoncer que nous avons réussi ! Nous avons atteint plus de 15 000 signatures ! Nous voulons remercier chacun d’entre vous d’avoir pris la parole pour protéger le vapotage et la réduction des risques en signant la

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Signed Petition

15 000 Canadians Signed The Petition to Save Flavours!

THE PETITION IS NOW CLOSED! Toronto, Ontario – June 28, 2021 – Rights4Vapers, Canada’s leading vapers’ rights organization, is delighted to report that we did it! We hit over 15,000 signatures! We want to thank each and every one of you for speaking out to protect vaping and harm reduction by signing the ‘Petition to

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Organizations That Support Vaping

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